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Threat Assessment:
The ascension team has been around since TFL, and its only pride and achievement comes from dominating creep. This doesn't help them at all in m2 obviously. With a decent sized roster, they should penetrate a few rounds into the DE, that is if their players show regularly.

This still isn't a powerhouse team, but they will pose a threat to most midrange teams.

Update DE2:  Ascension stumbling a bit in the QR got them a pretty low seed in the DE.  Beat some pretty good teams, but also tied the mighty fn(who fielded 2 players vs 3).  Once in the DE, seeded 33rd, faced the 32nd seeded Lg.  Lg showed Ascension that they need to field more players if they want to do anything and sent them to the bottom bracket.  Ascension then faced a descent ff team.  Ascension prevailed and they live to face another match.  Ascension will be a tough win for any opponent but dont expect Ascension to make a huge run for the cup.

Update DE3: Ascension had a very good last weekend by defeating .force and FComm.  They then faced the tough opponent of playing ei.  Ascension was ready and played their best and survived ei's power by one point.  Ascension now plays Cacra, lets see if Ascension can continue their run in the bottom.
This team has received 94 top ten "votes".Threat Rating:TrowTrowTrow
Team Roster
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Match Results
Team Statistics
Current Rank:16
QR Pool:Oderic
QR Exit Seed:33
QR Diff Avg:1.20
Points Scored:409
Points Allowed:434
Avg Point Diff:-2.27
Team Kills:1338
Damage Done:12056
Damage Taken:12682
Frequent Captains
rainbow warrior (palancios)W/T/L: 9/1/8Captained: 18rand (rand)W/T/L: 6/0/6Captained: 12Verixuous (spawn)W/T/L: 1/0/3Captained: 4
Build time: 19ms