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Match 3W05 - Winnowing Round
Ascension defeats F,communications 40-37
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Game 1: Capture the Flag on Caer Cadarn (Light)  14-6
Ascension F,communications 
rainbow warrior (palancios)3:13Galleon (firewire)0:6
Verixuous (spawn)26:20KEN (LOVEYMO)18:16
rand (rand)11:7Kuri (Kuri)15:13
MHz (megahertz)1:4Michel (Behind)11:6
DethDealer (DethDealer)1:7Vol (volvol)5:7
Game 2: Flag Rally on Lichen Unto Death (Light)  25-16
Ascension F,communications 
rand (rand)3:7Kuri (Kuri)0:8
rainbow warrior (palancios)15:4Galleon (firewire)8:1
DethDealer (DethDealer)7:1KEN (LOVEYMO)3:15
MHz (megahertz)7:1Michel (Behind)0:11
Verixuous (spawn)4:0Vol (volvol)0:5
Game 3: Assassin on If I Had a Trow... (NUT)  15-1
F,communications Ascension 
Galleon (firewire)7:7rainbow warrior (palancios)8:16
Vol (volvol)24:3rand (rand)14:8
Michel (Behind)16:14DethDealer (DethDealer)12:31
Kuri (Kuri)13:21Verixuous (spawn)9:2
KEN (LOVEYMO)8:4MHz (megahertz)5:12
Build time: 8ms