MWC2001 Header Image

Real Men

Semper Altius
No biography information submitted.
Threat Assessment:
Real Men is definatly not a *new* order to the community of MythII, and it's players are somewhat well established. Latley hasn't seen much of RM online, but everyone knows MWC brings all the old school orders out to play. Look for strong dark maps skills and cunning strategy from the Real Men. It would be very unwise to underestimate them
Update DE2:  rm had a descent but not impressive QR going 2-3, but gaining a 27th seed in the DE.  In DE1 they faced a twd team that was better prepared and outplayed rm, which sent them to the bottom bracket.  Once in the bottom bracket they faced MSH.  rm played well and had enough power to keep them alive in MWC and move on.  we expect rm to give their future opponents in MWC a good match, but dont dont expect rm to roll anyone over anytime soon.
This team has received 28 top ten "votes".Threat Rating:TrowTrowTrow
Contacts:Captain MoroniCharro
Team Roster
Click player to view profile
Charro (charro)Captain Moroni (eaglescout)Papa Bandura (vaidoso)Ascot (bulbasaur)Killian (deadrush)dforce (quadra840)Viceroy (zalor)Icelord (darklord11)PrplPplEater (harlydvdsn)Evil Raider (wickedmyrk)CoonDog (coondog)Cog Sinister (roac)Be'lal (Aelthanin)
Match Results
Team Statistics
Current Rank:36
QR Pool:Oderic
QR Exit Seed:27
QR Diff Avg:6.20
Points Scored:311
Points Allowed:314
Avg Point Diff:-0.38
Team Kills:1029
Damage Done:9278
Damage Taken:9099
Frequent Captains
Captain Moroni (eaglescout)W/T/L: 6/0/2Captained: 8Papa Bandura (vaidoso)W/T/L: 3/0/4Captained: 7Charro (charro)W/T/L: 3/0/3Captained: 6
Build time: 28ms