Team Name
Contact: Seeker

Next Match: Next match time not yet available.
Note: Our new name is now Seven Nation Army, per request from Ruin.

Finally, here's a review for you guys to enjoy as well:

The Butterfly Effect was a decent film which featured some surprisingly decent acting from Ashton Kutcher. However, the whole "lesson" that the movie was built around was corny and most certainly cliche anti-Hallmarkesque. Really, by trying to be anti-Hallmark card the writer of the film came up with an ending just as sappy and whitewashed. This is something that middle class America will eat up in droves as a perfectly ok fascimile of depth. However, middle class America forgets that in order for something to have depth it needs to possess layers and that's also what the "lesson" The Butterfly Effect is built around  lacks.
Threat Assessment
*This team is also pretty ol'skool. These players come from all over, but their former teams were good: Ancrik, Alliance, WP, Aesir, and BMF, to name a few. The presence of the rust troll in this team is pretty strong, but on the bright side they seem to be quite active now.  They also have players like Ruin and Ota, who have been somewhat active in the past few years. I'm rather sure this team will make a nice showing this year and a top ten finish can be expected. Closer to top five I'd say. I don't think they can really challenge the "good" teams of this tournament, but the others they should be able to take down relatively easy.

*Assuming that the asteroids don't get them before any of this happens.

Post QR update: They got the first seed on a silver platter, but they managed to blew it by losing a game to Ageha. Auchies! I'm rather certain that my "close to top five" prediction is still valid, but I don't think these whackos can beat too many of the "good teams" in this tournament. They can beat some of them, but not most.

Update DE2: Uh oh dudes? Tnam managed to lose to DET. Even though they didn't have their best roster present, it was still a loss to DET! That loss should sting them abit. Perhaps enough for them to pull their act together again and make alot of noise in the b-bracket. I'm pretty sure my original top 10 prediction still stands.

Update DE3: They breezed through their opponents this week, but the next one is going to be tough. They face TWF right away and if they win that match they get to play SL or Np. I'm rather sceptical about their chances of making it past this round.

Summary: Tnam was perhaps abit of a disappointment. This is mostly due to poor turnout of players for the matches. 9th spot finish isn't bad, but they placed lower than Seeker's arch enemys THOR's team did. They didn't really get to beat a single good team in this tournament, which is probably a shame for them. I was hoping that they would have faired better in this tournament.This team has received 104 betting pool "votes".
Match Results
Team Statistics
Current Rank:9
QR Pool:Mauriac
QR Exit Seed:5
QR Diff Avg:21.33
Points Scored:207
Points Allowed:93
Avg Point Diff:14.25
Team Kills:1234
Damage Done:10958
Damage Taken:8710
Frequent Captains
untaîns' Prøtectør (conradbirdie)W/T/L: 10/0/5Captained: 15Seeker (dbseeker)W/T/L: 7/0/3Captained: 102 Tone (altpunkoi)W/T/L: 0/0/1Captained: 1
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