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Match Q123 - Qualifying Round
The War Dorfs defeats Knights of Camelot 56-18
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Game 1: Stampede on The Desert Between Your Ears  10-0
The War Dorfs Knights of Camelot 
Chohan (From)42:0Samurai Vesgo (ezoghoul)6:0
Rnard Elder (Rnard)25:0Asghan (Asghan)7:0
Loial (Eirik01)14:0Nebadon (Lexxx)1:0
Pyscho         (bob14)3:0Merlin (Marcolin)1:0
Duster (anderson97)3:0Kenshin (elleres)0:0
Game 2: Territories on If I Had a Trow...  17-0
The War Dorfs Knights of Camelot 
Loial (Eirik01)2:0Samurai Vesgo (ezoghoul)0:0
Chohan (From)32:2Headbanger (Metallian)8:3
Duster (anderson97)1:9Kenshin (elleres)1:9
Pyscho         (bob14)0:2Merlin (Marcolin)1:9
Rnard Elder (Rnard)0:0Asghan (Asghan)0:9
  Nebadon (Lexxx)0:0
Game 3: Flag Rally on Cracks in the Cloudspine  29-18
The War Dorfs Knights of Camelot 
Loial (Eirik01)15:11Samurai Vesgo (ezoghoul)3:26
Duster (anderson97)16:1Headbanger (Metallian)12:9
Chohan (From)14:15Merlin (Marcolin)10:6
Rnard Elder (Rnard)8:1Asghan (Asghan)2:8
Pyscho         (bob14)0:0Nebadon (Lexxx)1:6
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