Player Statistics
Games Attended: | 25 |
Record (W/T/L): | 5/0/20 |
Games Captained: | 6 |
Record (W/T/L): | 1/0/5 |
Kills - Losses: | 242-176 |
Best Game: | 30-5 |
Bet Pool Accur: | 14.4 |
Bet Pool Total: | 173 |
Bet Pool Rank: | 147th |
Every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by chance. Login: ikevReal Name: Kevin Jamieson
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Favorite Map: Clash
Favorite Game: Flag Rally
Favorite Unit: Warlock
<script language="JavaScript"> var playersum, compsum, hitme, pnum, cnum, gameover; var cgames=0; var pgames=0; function donothing() {} var keepplaying=confirm("Do you want to play a game of BlackJack?"); while(keepplaying==true) { playersum=0; compsum=0; pnum=1; cnum=1; hitPlayer(); setTimeout("donothing()","1"); hitComp(); alert("Your first card is "+playersum+".\n\nThe dealer's first card is "+compsum+"."); hitme=true; while(hitme==true&&playersum<21) { hitme=confirm("Would you like another card?"); if(hitme==true){ pnum++; alert("Your card #"+pnum+" is "+hitPlayer()+".\n\nYour total is "+playersum+"."); } } if(playersum==21) { pgames++; alert("You win!\n\nYou have won "+pgames+" games.\n\nThe dealer has won "+cgames+" games"); } else if(playersum>21) { cgames++; alert("You lose!\n\nYou have won "+pgames+" games.\n\nThe dealer has won "+cgames+" games"); } else { while(compsum<17&&compsum<=playersum&&playersum<22) { cnum++; alert("The dealer's card #"+cnum+" is "+hitComp()+".\n\nThe dealer's total is "+compsum+"."); } if(compsum>21) { pgames++; alert("You win!\n\nYou have won "+pgames+" games.\n\nThe dealer has won "+cgames+" games"); } else if(playersum>compsum) { pgames++; alert("You win!\n\nYou have won "+pgames+" games.\n\nThe dealer has won "+cgames+" games"); } else if(playersum<compsum) { cgames++; alert("You lose!\n\nYou have won "+pgames+" games.\n\nThe dealer has won "+cgames+" games"); } else { alert("Draw!\n\nYou have won "+pgames+" games.\n\nThe dealer has won "+cgames+" games"); } } keepplaying=confirm("Do you want to play another game of BlackJack?"); }function hitPlayer() { var newcard=random(13); if(newcard==1&&playersum<=10) newcard=11; playersum += newcard; return newcard; }function hitComp() { var newcard=random(13); if(newcard==1&&compsum<=10) newcard=11; compsum += newcard; compfirstcard=newcard; return newcard; }function random(maxValue) { today=new Date(); bigNumber=today.getSeconds()*today.getTime()*Math.sqrt(today.getMinutes()); randomNum=(bigNumber%maxValue)+1; randomNum=Math.floor(randomNum); if(randomNum>10) randomNum=10; return randomNum }</script>...
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