MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:-
Best Game:-
Bet Pool Accur:34.1
Bet Pool Total:396
Bet Pool Rank:204th


Login: Balz
Real Name:
Location: Arlington, Virginia

Favorite Map: Proving Grounds
Favorite Game: Lmoth
Favorite Unit: Trow
Stuck to unranked for first year, then progressed to ranked and started joining n00b orders. Later joined Ema(pg order) where I learned some pg skillz. Then joined mui (unfortunately) and then led Mob for a bit. After leaving ThunderCox for Bishops (best order ever) we merged with Cacra.
Threat Assessment:
You may known Citan as a member of Mob a while back.  He is now one of Cacra's powerhouse players.  But his inactivity is questionable to whether or not he will be of much help.
Build time: 5ms