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how to win MWC - Ragnarok
For everyone that has always wanted to enter such a prestigoious competition, fighting for the glory to be number one amongst the greatest myth players of all time, you need to read this guide on how to win.  

first off, you need a bunch of buddies or pals that also have myth, and you need to set up a hotline server.  then, when you are connected to the internet, find the MWC website, and create a team.  as of now, most of you are on a team.   there you go, you are  one third of the way there to winning.  


now, you have to particapte in the community, get to know some of the admins and local myth heros.  jizz all over them with comments like "if i could live in the basement of one myth players flooding house, i would live in pallors" because then they will notice you and like you, no matter how ugly you are.

<center><[img=15190003.jpg  ]></center>

after you know the people that play myth and have a team, start to play in the QR.  whatever you do, DO NOT LOSE A GAME in the QR.  if you do, your chances of winning the entire competition have gone down the toilet of shame.  this is step two.

after you have managed to win every QR game, create many topics in the forum stating how you got lucky and you dont expect to be number one for too much longer.

<center><[img=kitty.jpg  ]></center>

that is a cute kitty.  make it your mascot or something, assfucks.

now its time for the DE round.  time to panic.  you wont win your first game, in fact, LOSE YOUR FIRST GAME.  

now you will paly against all the other losers in the bottom bracket and they suck.  now you are in the championship game.  

Goddamnit, i have to leav now.  i havent pissed all morning and i can feel it leaking out my pants.  

ill write another article on how to win the championship game later.